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Memories Archive

Defending the Universe and Backyards since 1966
    Toys of Christmas Past
    This is a fond memories section, kind of a "Toys of Christmas Past" type of thing. 
    I'm looking for stories, preferably true, about that special toy or toys that was played 
    with for hours upon hours, until its wheels or arms fell off, or that toy that was wanted 
    so badly that no sleep was received on Christmas Eve. 
    Or that story about that toy that just "takes you back" to your childhood.

    I know a lot of people probably would feel silly recounting such things but 
    take a look at some of these and you'll find it's really entertaining. 

      Name:Doug Shelton Date & Time Posted:Dec 2, 1997 23:39

      Story:When I was in kindergarten (1965) it seemed all my friends had GIJoes. They were so cool. And naturally I wanted one too. My mother agreed to get me one, but only if I stopped biting my nails first. It took some doing (a couple of years), but I quit. I still remember going with my mom to the local "dime store" to pick out my GIJoe. I was told I could have any one I wanted. Naturally I picked out a deluxe Joe with several accessories. I still have that first Joe and many more. Only as an adult I learned my first GiJoe was a Japanese Imperial Soldier. I think learning that was almost as exciting as getting him in the first place. By the way, after all the play, he still is mint. If only we had saved the box.

      Name:Randy Kula Date & Time Posted:Dec 6, 1997 00:56

      Story:Back in 1967 when I was 5 years old, my Grandmother babysat for me and my twin brother one evening. She decided that she would help us write letters to Santa Claus. Both my brother and I really wanted Captain Action figures. Apparently my speech was not the greatest back then, because When my mother came home and read the letters, she wanted to know what CAPTAIN AXON was. We did receive the toys for Chrsitmas and played with them a lot. I still keep mine in a safe place. I have very vivid memories of my childhood, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to share this story with you. Randy

      Name:Harold Bressler Date & Time Posted:Dec 17, 1997 12:56

      Story:Reading all the JOE stories brought back some memories for me too. I remember when G.I.JOE came out, all of my friends had at least one! I would have given anything to own one at the time and if I'm not mistaken they sold for about $12['95'][''] I wasn't as fortunate as my friends and we couldn't afford to buy me one. Well, at about the same time, I saw another action figure in our local 5&10. It was Stoney Smith! He was heavy, solid and didn't have those cool moveable joints like JOE, nor did he have removable clothing. But, he only cost $5['95'][''] I asked my dad about one of those and he said we could manage that. I was so excited that I took him straight home and initiated him in the fine art of playing army. He became my favorite toy and when I found out they also had a western figure, Johnnie West is all I asked for on my Christmas list! Well, to my amazement on that magical morning, I awoke and crawled under the tree to find not only Johnnie, but Chief Cherokee as well. Opening my other presents was just routine, or so i thought. I couldn't believe my eyes when I found that not only did I get these guys but all thier gear and horses too. The feeling of total joy was overwhelming. I'm a grandfather now and I have that same feeling when my grand-daughters find that special something under the tree. Thanks for letting me share it.

      Name:John RAMOS Date & Time Posted:Dec 24, 1997 20:46


      Name:Jim Alexander Date & Time Posted: Feb 03, 1998 14:46

      Story:My memories of CAPTAIN ACTION are almost like they happened "yesterday". I remember the first CAPTAIN ACTION figure, and also the first COSTUME that I got. My grandfather (always GREAT at finding "just the right toy") purchased both the CAP figure and a SUPERMAN costume to go along with it, for Christmas 1966.

      I'll never forget opening that SUPERMAN costume! I was knocked out by how detailed it was, and couldn't WAIT to get it on the figure! Grandpa knew JUST what it took to make me happy (since I was already a big SUPERMAN fan; I practically learned to read from SUPE'S comics)! In fact, the only puzzling thing to me was, oddly, the "tights" on the SUPERMAN suit. I'd read a comic story where artist Wayne Boring showed SUPES without his boots, and the blue material only came down to his ankle! Well, when I first got the costume out of the box, I didn't understand why the tights didn't appear the same way that they did in the comic... so I CUT'EM OFF!

      My grandfather and I used to go to a 3-story-tall fire escape at a nearby Grade School where we'd throw the Parachute-Captain Action off of. We'd take turns: first I'D throw, and HE'D catch... and then we'd switch around...

      One time... Grandpa (I guess you can tell just "who" bought me all of my CAPTAIN ACTION stuff!) pulled me into the hallway near his coat closet, right before our family was due to go on a week-long vacation. He said he had something for me, but that I couldn't have it until I got back from the trip! He opened the closet, and pulled out the SPIDER-MAN costume box from the top shelf! It was SOOOO gorgeous! I don't think that a week EVER has ever gone by so SLOWLY for me since!!!

      I never owned a SILVER STREAK, and I never even SAW the BUCK ROGERS, AQUAMAN or GREEN HORNET costumes on the toy racks. Never being into "army guys" to any degree, I passed on the SGT. FURY, but I did own (at least one of) all the other costumes, and had every one of the "accessory packs", including the JET MORTAR, the SURVIVAL VEST, the WEAPONS ARSENAL and the COMMUNICATOR HELMET. However, my favorite was always the JET-PACK, because it was so "authentic" (At least that's what I remember it looking like when "John Robinson" used it on LOST IN SPACE!). I even had the LONE RANGER-blue costume (rather than the red-black), of course, never suspecting how valuable it'd be today!

      My favorite CAPTAIN ACTION story is the time that my Grandpa (I think he was as excited as I was!) found a close-out sale on CAP merchandise, and picked up a whole BOX-worth, filled with every blamed item they were closing out! I remember a whole MESS of accessory packs, and DR. EVIL's, and even a couple of costumes! There must have been 20 different items in there!

      Hope you've enjoyed my memories! E-Mail me at: jima@wevv.com if you have any of your OWN you'd like to share!

      Jim Alexander

      Name:Steve Runels Date & Time Posted:Mar 16, 1998 11:26

      Story:Summer of 1966 found me staying with my grandmother for a few weeks in southern California. One day, upon hearing the bell of an ice cream truck, I grabbed some change and ran outside for a treat. I guess I didn't look both ways before crossing the street, as I woke up screaming three days later in a local hospital after being hit by a Chevy truck. The only fortunate thing about this incident was that I received three new G.I. Joes as get well gifts from relatives. I made several temporary friends by sharing these Joes with other kids my age in the children's ward. I just tossed a Joe over to the latest ward buddy and we spent hours playing battles within those old steel bar sided child hospital beds. The Joes were always returned before each patient went home, and after an eleven day stay, I too finally got to go home with my parents. I don't remember any names, and I don't have those Joes anymore(dammit!), but for a short time in that hospital(since torn down), G.I Joe sure made some sick and scared kids happy as we all shared a short camaradarie back in that summer of 1966.

      Name:TERRY KELLY Date & Time Posted:Apr 9, 1998 15:04

      Story:my favorite toys were my lido plastic foreign legion figures. i was a big fan of the television show"captain gallant" starring buster crabbe. i wanted the marx playset so badly i could taste it! but alas, we were very poor, and my mom had to struggle to make ends meet for us kids..i had six sisters, four of which lived at home in 1962. so a big present like this was out of the question. i did find some real nice lido legionaire sets at the local five and dime. we were living in san rafael ca. at the time. i did not even have the dollar it would take to buy the lido packs.. and the colors were so bright! there was even FORT included! as well as arab figures. my best buddy was a boy named guy vandergrift. he must have gotten the word to my mom, because on my birthday that fall, i came home from school, and my mom surprised me with two of the long plastic bags of the lido legionaires..these figures provided me with hours of desert adventures.. and my friends too! i still have the original figures displayed in my hobby room.. my moms gift so many years ago is still with me, having survived many moves and many changes on the path to adulthood. and i still love the colors! hey, id still like to have the captain gallant playset too!

      Name:Walt Date & Time Posted:Apr 11, 1998 17:40

      Story:If there was a time machine, and you had access to it, would you travel back to the days of your youth in order to grab some old toys and bring them back to the present ? Or would you just stay there, and surround yourself in action figure heaven !? Ahh, sweet paradox. You know, for the life of me I cannot recall the name of one single toy store from my childhood ! Other than the local "Five and Dime", and "Great Eastern" stores. I do not remember ever going into a toy store. Maybe the reason was that my father had worked for the "IDEAL", "AURORA", and "EMENEE" toy companies back in the 60's and 70's. Yep, that must be it ! I have read all the fond memories here, and I have an aching yet cheerful heart from doing so. I love to wax nostalgic, and I love to hear others do it too. But beneath it all comes that low, pitifull murmur "If I only knew then, what I know now". Yes, it's true, we all say it. Even though we would not trade a minute of those "Let's play G.I. Joe" memories for anything. I remember Christmas ! It was a festive, holy day for my family. The house decorated with lights, an actual-size Nativity set on the front lawn, yuletide music being piped out into the street from a speaker on the porch, a real tree in the living room , going to church and afterwards lots of visitors. It was special, and Christmas morning , with all the gifts, was always exciting. But every week seemed to be a "little Christmas" for me and my sisters. Our dad would come home from work with cases of the latest toys ! I'm talking cases of "Shirley Temple" dolls, these huge dolls called "Patty Playpal", "Motorific" cars and tracks, "Torture Track", "King Zor", "Mouse Trap", "Gaylord", "Aurora" models, and every toy musical instrument that "Emenee" had made. My dad would let us grab a few items to play with, and then put the rest in the garage on this storage shelf he had built. If we ever needed accessories to one of the toys we were playing with, my dad would let us rummage through the cases in the garage until we found our much needed treasure. I used to sneak into the garage every once in a while, when my dad was at work, to grab a new motor or car body for my "Motorific" or "Torture Track" cars. It seemed like another day at play back then, but now I realize how remarkable it really was.

      The most memorable time was around 1966. Dad came home with a "Ideal" carton, I was hanging around and I saw him speaking with my mom for a bit, then he called me into the room. "Got something for you" he said. He let me open the carton and take out one of the cellophaned boxes. I was amazed ! "What is this, a super hero, a pirate guy, what does he do"? I thought to myself. Dad said "It's Captain Action, something new they came up with". It was a doll ! I found out later that that was what my mom and dad were talking about before he gave it to me. He was not sure if he should let me play with dolls. Glad mom said it was O.K.. Anyway, he let me take two of the two dozen he had brought home.(the rest went into the garage vault). I played the hell out of these dolls, I never ceased imagining new adventures for them. My friends saw them and bugged their parents to buy them for them. It was wild, what my buddies and I would come up with when we played with them. Then came the outfits ! Masks, capes, guns, boots, clothes, and numerous accessories. Cases of them. Hundreds of them ! No need to trade with my friends, I had them all ! In time, I had a different Captain Action for each outfit. I never had to undress them, just reach for the character I needed for my ongoing adventure. Had the secret hideouts, Action Boys, the evil freak guy, carrying cases, the "Silver Streak", and all the rest. Captain Action was KING of my toys. There was no substitute. He would be Superman and beat the daylights out of any invading G.I. Joes in the neighborhood. And would'nt you know, that he looked just like my dad ! I still wonder about that. My dad is 83 years old now, (and has won numerous medals in the senior olympics),and he breaks up when I ask him where they came up with Captain Action's face.

      Anyway, the story ends in somewhat of a tragedy... You see, back in 1969, my mom and dad decided to move from Queens, New York, to the suburbs of Long Island. So, the family had to pack up the house and head for the burbs. Oh, we packed allright. Everything we needed. But mom and dad, in their parental wisdom, decided that we did not need our toys, dolls, or comic books. So they gave them away to neighbors, the church, charity, or left them in the old house. My sisters and I were helpless in trying to persuade our parents to keep them. We were allowed to keep a few, just a few. But Captain Action never made the trip ! My dad soon after left the toy companies and found new work. So there was no replacement for the toys we had lost. I have waited years , remembering and talking about my childhood. And now in my "Mid-Life Crisis" I have decided to seek out my old toys, purchase them, and start my own little "Museum of Youth" in my basement. My computer is a valuable aide in my quest and I have found many great websites, such as this, to ease my pain and help in my goal. I truly feel the love of an old toy, and I try to pass this on to my neices and nephews. They have their own collections of toys now, and I am sure that they will pass them on to their children. I hope you all find your old toys and memories ! Good luck. My quest continues, and "I Shall Not Be Denied" !

      Name:Brian Mulvey Date & Time Posted:Apr 14, 1998 04:50

      Story:Capt. Action is one of my favorite toys. I recently made a new display of my collection, putting the costumes on new GI-Joe figures. I have Superman, Phantom, Lone Ranger, Capt. America. Using items from other dolls, I was able to make Batman (all I had left was the mask and boots) and my own creation- The Flash! One time I was helping my mother clean a closet (I may have been 11 or 12). I came across the Phantom package. I couldn't beleive it! My mother had bought it, hid it away for Christmas, and apparently forgot about it. I was thrilled to get this belated Christmas present, even four years after it's purchase.

      Name:dean Date & Time Posted:May 8, 1998 21:14


      Name:Buzz Date & Time Posted:May 10, 1998 03:22

      Story:When I was three and a half, maybe four and a half, my dad let my sisters and I make wishes on his birthday cake. The one condition was that we had to make our wishes out loud. At the time, my sisters both had Barbies, and on rainy days indoors, I would be left out of the play. Therefore, I wished for a "Kin" doll. when my dad asked me what that was, I explained that it was like a boy Barbie. My dad got a bit pale, and said nothing else. I never got "Kin" (Ken), but that christmas, I got the best toy ever- a GI Joe action Marine! I had never even heard of GI Joe before, but he was WAY better than old Ken! Not only was he a marine, like my dad had been only 4 years earlier, not only could he move in ways to make Ken weep, he could save his buddies by throwing himself on a grenade, sending his head here, an arm ther, and a foot over there. Stick him back together, and he comes back for more, saying "Hi, I'm a new guy." Some days, Joe just never could seem to reach the far side of the minefield, and sometimes his "replacement" was "Joe the Human Gorilla" with long arms and short legs. ( a configuration which once put my wife into hysterics) for a while, Joe hung out with General Custer, and later, Johnnie West, but no other action figure has ever quite matched up. I now have 9-month old twin boys, and one of the new joes, and a GI Jane for my wife, and am beginning to assemble gear so I can build the "Ultimate Adventure Team Headquarters", to give my boys on their fourth or fifth birthday. Maybe my boys won't love Joe as much as I still do, but if they do, their dad is gonna make sure their Joes can handle any adventure.

      Name:Lee Rector Date & Time Posted:May 14, 1998 02:37

      Story:Looking through this list of memories, of course! brings back my own. Too many to mention here....and most of you have reviewed the similar experiences of GI Joe, models, toy soldiers. But many memories are stimulated by more than a visual image; take for instance all those great toy factories that would be banned today or never make it out of development. Remember that smell of burnt plastic with the Creepy Crawler set or VacuForms, not to mention, picking up red hot metal molds with a flimsy metal wire and immersing it in cold water. AH! my sinuses are running as my olfactory nerves reminess. Or that amaizing time machine, be honest! who didn't try about 5 of those dinosaur cubes in the oven at one time. Or the SOUNDS---close n play, mr microphone, "hey good lookin, we'll be back to pick you up later", the rounds per minute of your M16, and the ringing in your ears from tossing the cap gun( and just hitting the whole roll of caps with a hammer, OUCH!) yes..the grey matter can store some wonderfull images, but those other senses seem to stir the kettle. ps. come see some of those old toys in my collection at http://php.iupui.edu/~larector

      Name:Thomas DiBenedetto Date & Time Posted:May 22, 1998 23:54

      Story:When I was 4, I got a "Freddy The Flute" from the H.R. Puffenstuff show. When I got him, I felt as though he were magic...like he were really alive. I felt like "Jimmy" from the show. I t was the greatest feeling in the world. Alas, during one of my "adventures", I lost him down a sewer. I've been looking for one ever since.

      Name:David Rivera Date & Time Posted:May 30, 1998 16:25

      Story:My fondest memories of past christmases will always revert to the christmas surprise of 1967. My oldest brother that was serving in the Army (Vietnam) at the time was sent home on medical leave, he had been badly wounded in combat. I remember helping carry his stuff into the house. At one point my brother Robert asked me to put some gifts he had in his duffel bag under the tree. One week latter its christmas morning. I dove under the tree, and start opening all my gifts, when I finally opened my gift from Robert...what a surprise !!! There in front of me was the Green Beret G.I. Joe action set. I was so excited. My brother got it for me so I could remember him, when he was away. Eventually he did fully recover, and had to go back to active service, and finish up his tour, as for my G.I. Joe, at some point in my life he went awol, and I never saw him again. Fast forward to the present...recently I shipped out to Korea for a short tour one year on the Demilititarized Zone Joint Security Area, before I left I gave my only son a recent reissue G.I. Joe action figure in desert battle dress...just like the ones his old man used in the gulf...hopefully his Joe dos'nt go awol.

      Name:Dan Webster Date & Time Posted:Jun 11, 1998 15:15

      Story:OK, here ya go my true to life Captain action stories. But I gotta tell ya they ain't pretty. When I was seven or so I really wanted a Dr. Evil. So my parents bought me one for some occasion that I really can't recall, and that evening we all went to visit a friend of the family, and I of course brought my new prize possesion. Needless to say I somehow left it there and for the next two years every day I asked that kid for my Dr. Evil back and he always said he couldn't find it. He used to blow me smoke and say things like "I saw your Dr. Evil on the TV" and I'd say "Yeah" and he'd say "But it was just a commercial" and things like that. This is a completely true story and my biggest regret was not kicking that kids butt. If I could remmember his name I'd look him up on the internet and drop by his house and demand it back. Sure its nearly thirty years ago but that was way uncool of him not to return it at the time. A few years later in 1972 my grandfather bought me another Dr. Evil, so I guess in the long run it all worked out, but I am still pissed. Oh, I also had a similar thing happen with an Action Boy. It was the early 70's and E.J. Korvettes had a display which included an Action Boy. They didn't carry Action Boy any more but they were willing to sell us the one in the display, so we bought it. That evening I left it on a Ski Ball game at Rockaways playland. I went back for it later that night but someone had nicked it. I guess it was a pattern with me as a child. Its funny you think you've gotten over this stuff and it turns out ya never do.

      Name:ricco Date & Time Posted:Aug 4, 1998 13:03

      Story:i can rememeber way back when i became obsessed with the gi joes. i was always partial to the navy and wanted to have the scuba diver so bad. my dad bought me one from the toy store in new york nad as he was riding home on the train someone tok it out of the shopping bag as he slept. mpney was tight but somehow da managed to get me another joe all decked out on the scuba gear and placed it on the kitchen table before i got up for school. well that was it i would save any extra pennies and nickels in those days early 60's and finally managed to get a talking sailor of my own which i still have to this day. its funny but in 1994 i bought a gi joe duke i had to have it. i can rememeber showing it to my father at the time who was sick with emphysema and it bought a smile to his face as w e talked about the old joe days. just recently i fouund my sailor and duke at moms house and brought them home to a pa. i have started collecting them again and it brings back such fond memeories of my youth and my dad surprising me with any new toys that had come out free fall breeches buoy and somehow i remember a raft and crocidile set. well dad has passed now but those special days and memories will never, the excitement and anticipation of a new joe or accessory pack is with me every time i enter a store and the best part of it is i feel dad is still a part of it to. thanks joe and you to dad. i'll leave with a message from my sailor gi rick reporting for duty and this time i will not be awol for so long. god bless

      Name:Karen Date & Time Posted:Sep 9, 1998 23:57

      Story:My younger brother and I were always too excited to fall asleep on Christmas eve...he would usually drift off to sleep before me. I used to lay across the bed and stare out the window at the winter sky, waiting to catch a glimpse of Santa's sleigh. Someone always tucked me into bed. We would wake up early Christmas morning, sneak downstairs, and find wrapped presents piled under the tree. I will never forget the Christmas morning I unwrapped my first Barbie doll, a blonde, ponytail. I combed out her ponytail and eventually cut-off her blonde hair. I never dreamed she would be a valued collectible thirty-six years later. As you probably guessed, I'm still a Barbie fan.

      Name:Randy Riker Date & Time Posted:Sep 17, 1998 12:10

      Story:My name is Randy Riker, I'm 34 years old, and i collect action figures, mainly GIJoe 12-inch figures and some of the new 21st Century ones as well. My story begins in the fall of 1968, when I received my first GIJoe on my fifth birthday. I t was a Green Beret Figure, and it was a blond haired brown eyed figure, with beret, dickie, slant-pocket jungle fatigues, web belt, pistol holster, tall black paratrooper boots, and M16 rifle. For nearly three years, it was my favorite toy. Sadly, Joe wound up missing in action following a show-and-tell presentation in second grade, and I was absolutely heartbroken. Fast-forward, almost twenty years. It's the spring of 1987, and I'm a helicopter crewman assigned to the 5th Special Flight Platoon at Fort Bragg, NC. I've just received a temporary duty assignment to the 1st Special Operations Command guard detail, which involves facilities security, and ceremonial flag detail at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center every morning. A special uniform is required to be worn as part of this detail, and I was busy one morning checking myself in the mirror, making sure every crease was proper, and that nothing was out of place, when it dawned on me. There I was, wearing a green beret, slant-pocket jungle fatigues, pistol belt, tall black paratrooper boots, and M16, with my blond hair neatly combed under my beret. Only things missing were the pistol, holster, dickie, and facial scar! It made me think once again of my long-lost Joe. Fast-forward again, this time to the spring of 1993. I'm in a bookstore, flipping through a rack of hobby magazines, and a toy magazine catches my eye, with a picture of a Hall of Fame Duke figure, trumpeting the return of GI Joe. I ultimately begin collecting the HOF joes, then the Classic Collection figures, and at least one of each Masterpiece Edition GI Joe figure out there. Today, my collection numbers nearly forty Joes, and I can't wait for the FAO Green Beret release to come out. Hopefully, I'll get a blond-haired one! I'm also looking for some Adventure Team figures as well, maybe my girlfriend will find me one for Christmas, like the one I got back in 1972, with my AT helicopter. Many thanks for providing a venue for telling this story! GO JOE! Randy Riker, rriker@trucking.org

      Name:William Date & Time Posted:Sep 23, 1998 04:03

      Story:Someone already posted their story about getting a "Freddy the Flute" from HR Pufnstuf. Well, I got one, too, as a kid. I, too, felt like I was "Jimmy." For some strange reason, I glued glitter all over my flute--the mouth, eyebrows, and "diamonds." Strange, but I guess I thought it needed some glitter. ;-) Amazingly, I still have Freddy.

      Name:Joe Date & Time Posted:Oct 7, 1998 07:56

      Story: I can remember being about 5 years old, shopping in Korvettes Department Store in New York City with my mother. We walked past, what seemed like, a towering display in the toy department. It was Captain Action. I didn't know exactly who he was. But I had seen the commercials for him on TV, and to me he looked like a Policeman, with the hat and the gun and the blue suit. My father was a cop, and I immediately became enthralled with Captain Action. Well when I saw that display, I begged my mother for one and she agreed to buy it for me. As we walked to the register we passed a second display, similar to the C/A display but the figure was different. My mother asked a big kid who was standing there who the figure was. The kid replied "that's Action Boy, he goes with that guy" pointing to the box I was holding. Captain Action has a partner. I wanted one, but said nothing. I just stood there, mesmerized. My mother smiled at me, and without saying a word removed an Action Boy from the shelf. I was in my glory. That day we also picked up the Batman and Robin outfits. Eventually I got all of the outfits, and I literally played with those figures until the heads fell off. Alas, when they broke and my mom tried to replace them there were no more on the store shelves. I can remember her phoning the Ideal toy company direct, only to be told that the entire Captain Action line had been discontinued. That was over 30 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. When I was a little older I was given the Aurora Captain Action model kit, but it just wasn't the same. I never forgot those figures, and either did my mother. She jokes and tells me to this day she has never seen me so excited or interested in one particular thing. About a month ago I was in a collectable figure shop near my home. What did I find? Brand new Captain Actions, reissued. Dr. Evil is also available, with an Action Boy type figure to be released in early 1999. I now have several new Captain Actions in my possession. All of my fondest childhood memories have been rekindled.

      Name:Daren, Edmonton, Canada Date & Time Posted:Oct 12, 1998 15:12

      Story:I have two toy's that i fondly remember, the first was a Hotwheels set, i was about 6, and i had a strong sense that under the christmas tree was a Hotwheels set for ME!! it was during the day of Christmas eve, when my parents went out to do some last minute shopping and left my older brother and me alone in the house (big mistake). i watched them pull out the drive way, and waited a couple minutes, and with the approval of my older brother, that peaking at one gift each wouldn't hurt!! I knew exactly which gift i was going to peak at!! with a little fear and a whole lot of excitement, i carefully peeled the tape off the end of the long narrow box, it rattled so beautifully!!( meaning lots of stuff in there for ME!). After seen the picture on the end of the box, well that just wasn't good enough, so i opened the box, and carefully pulled out a couple parts, by then i could not contain myself, and i set the whole thing up and played with it, took it apart and put it back in the box and back under the tree, my parents never even knew!!.:))). I also had received a stuffed monkey, his name was Monkey Boy, he had rubber hands, and face with little boots and checkered coverals, i loved him so much, i took him everywhere, but when ever i had a temper tantrom, i would run down the hallway to my room, slam the bedroom door, open the door and throw Monkey Boy down the hallway, after several flights for Monkey Boy, he became a little unstuffed, I became a little concerened, why Monkey Boy could hardly hold his head up any more, so my Mom said together, we would bring him back to life, so we opereated on him, cut him open, oh so carefully, and stuffed him with rags and toilet paper, then he was great again, soon after that, i cut his hands and face off, why??? i still don't know...curious kid i guess.

      Name:Frank Date & Time Posted:Oct 14, 1998 02:42

      Story: On Christmas Eve 1966 I tried to open a gift from my aunt and my Dad said not to open it until tomorrow but I could see it was the Captain Action Batman costume. I was so fascinated when I saw the Batman logo. I also recieved the Captain Action doll but I couldn't get the Batman costume on it. The costumes vinyl was too tight. So I played with it using the costume on the mannequin instead of the doll. I remember placing it next to my pillow when I went to sleep. The Batman mask came affixed to the mannequin with a pin and of course I took the mask off to play with. I repinned it and at night thought I should remove the pin from the mask since the toy was too close to my pillow, but I don't think I did. It wasn't a problem. Months or a year later my parents took me to Zayre's and I was on my Dad's shoulder looking at a shelf of Captain Action costumes. I picked Spider-Man and at night I left Spider-Man unopened in the box in a corner of my room and fell asleep safe and secure looking at it. I remember it so well. Very relaxing comforting memory.

      Name:Regia Reich Date & Time Posted:Nov 8, 1998 01:12

      Story:Here's my toy story.One of many.1958 I'm 5 years old my friend across the street gets this great doll. It's 3 feet tall and records and plays back what ever you say to it. The catch is my friend makes a rule that you have to be six to play with it, so I'm out of luck. Fast forward to 1988. Here's the same doll at a yard sale for $10. Of course I buy it and clean it and play with it. Since I've had it I let other kids play with her. The only problem is sometimes my teenage sons put inaproprate messages on her. I found this site by looking for info on my Emenee Juke Box

      Name:joe Date & Time Posted:Nov 29, 1998 00:45

      Story:My father was an alcoholic , my mother addicted to prescription meds . i spent many days absorbed in captain action adventures . i was able to immerse myself into role play with c/a , dr. evil and the different costumes . i am a parent now , who neither uses drugs or alcohol . i work with traumatized children as well as juvenile delinquents in the state of kentucky . my son and i spend many hours together collecting action figures . i am thrilled that c/a has reemerged !!!!

      Name:joe Date & Time Posted:Nov 29, 1998 00:49

      Story:My father was an alcoholic , my mother addicted to prescription meds . i spent many days absorbed in captain action adventures . i was able to immerse myself into role play with c/a , dr. evil and the different costumes . i am a parent now , who neither uses drugs or alcohol . i work with traumatized children as well as juvenile delinquents in the state of kentucky . my son and i spend many hours together collecting action figures . i am thrilled that c/a has reemerged !!!!

      Name:Randy Farkas Date & Time Posted:Dec 1, 1998 01:41

      Story:My favorite toy was also one that I got for Christmas. It was a James Bond brief case. I can't remember the exact name of it. It had a pistol that assembled into a sniper rifle with scope. Also had assorted business cards with secret code viewing wallet, James Bond money. The case had to be opened with a combination or it set off some caps. I got it when I was around 9 or so back in the mid-sixties. This was back in small town Saskatchewan. About 4 of my buddies made sure they got one the next time their parents made the trip into the big city. (Regina). At the time the toy cost about $5-$10. Does anyone else remember these? What are they worth now? If any collector still has one, I would love it if you could send me a picture of the contents. It would bring back a lot of forgotten memories. Happy playing!

      Name:Mary Jane Date & Time Posted:Dec 3, 1998 12:41

      Story:Christmas 1975. By far the best... and most memorable .. I had just turned 10 on 12/22, ..I had (and still have..) 5 brothers, and one sister in addition to myself. I received that year The Wizard of Oz Emerald City playset. with Dorothy, Tinman, Scarecrow, Cowardly lion, wicked witch, Glinda and the Wizard. I played with it forever, however the reason it is so special is the story that goes with it.. with 7 children and my father on disability from a serious accident he suffered from his job at the Post office (this is long before the time of rampet lawsuits..) money was tight, so this gift was purchased on the bargain table at Two Guys right before Christmas, he bought them all and realized on Christmas eve that Dorothy was missing, my mom thought it wouldn't make a difference, but it drove my dad crazy, so he went out (and yes it was snowing!) and walked miles (he didn't drive) he needed a cane to walk )) all the way to the Two Guys dept store.. to buy the Dorothy to complete the set! I never knew this story till years later... My father died 4 months after that Christmas , in April of 1976... I still have the Dorothy doll....hair astrewn from hours and hours of play, no shoes. no Toto or basket. and for some reason all of the other dolls have vanished along with the playset somewhere in time.. But Dorothy is still with me. here on my shelf right next to the computor... there is a lot to be said for why we do what we do, my Mom thought my Dad was crazy for going out like that on a quest for just a toy, but he must have known .. something... I miss Daddy, but he is with me always.. .. wishing all of you Christmas memories that linger as great as the one I've had the priveledge of enjoying.. Happy Holidays!

      Story:I remeber the Christmas of 1976. We had just moved into the house down the street.I was realy into the six million dollar man and wanted one for Christmas. Well Christmas day I got the bionic man transport and repair station but no smdm. Well Christmas was on sunday so we went to church and after church we went to my sister's house for Christmas. Iwas feeling a little down because I GOT THE TRANSPORT BUT NO SMDM. When I got there and open my presents I found that my sister had bought me the smdm figure.My sister and parents had gotten togather and bought the set. I also received a stretch armstrong figure which I played all the time.This was one of the best Christmas I can remember. I now have three girls and one boy and love to see there face on Christmas day.As they open their presents with the same joy I had as a child . MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

    Name:Teresa Clark Date & Time Posted:Dec 8, 1998 15:04

    Story: When I was about 2years old my father came home on leave and he brought me an old stuffed yellow rabbit,to anybody else it probably doesn't sound too special,but to me it wasvery special.I took it everywhere with me.It was my best friend for a very long time.I carried it around for almost 10 years.it was stuffed and restuffed

    Name:SuzanneDate & Time Posted:Dec 23, 1998 11:23

    Story:No one I've talked to remembers DR. DRILL & FILL but it was the present I wanted most in 1985. I played with that thing for hours - molding teeth, putting them in the plastic head and then extracting them. I also adored a game called I TOOK A LICKIN' FROM A CHICKEN. I still have that game and the chicken still beats me every time! Happy Holidays!

    Name:Greg Johnson Date & Time Posted:Dec 27, 1998 18:20

    Story:I was born in 1959,and was lucky enough to be the first to experience Capt. Action,and GI JOE as they came onto the market.I got my first Capt. on my Birthday in 1966.It was the parachute box,and also the Superman outfit.I remember my brother and i throwing the Capt. w/ parachute out the 2nd story window to try it out only to get it stuck in the gutter. The Capt.battled my GI Joes and also Chief Cherokee from the Marx Johnny West series.I lived in Chicago at the time,and i still live out my memories with my 7 year old son Zachary,and buy him any of the new series Captians i can find.

    Name:Jim Davidson Date & Time Posted:Dec 29, 1998 09:34

    Story:Thirty years ago, I w-a-n-t-e-d Captain Action and the Batman costume. For a few seconds, I was disappointed to discover that Superman rather than Batman had been hiding under the Christmas tree. Within minutes, I commandeered my grandmother to sew a Clark Kent costume. The following year, I was disappointed to find that a Robin the Boy Wonder costume for my new Action Boy; I wanted Superboy. At some point, Captain Action's foot broke off. My father performed magic with wire and tape. Captain Action was back in business! A few years later, my interest in super heroes waned. Captain Action, Action Boy and GI Joe found new lives as professional wrestlers. Then, they fell into the black hole of discarded and forgotten toys. A day after Christmas '98, I wandered into a comic book shop. One shelf caught my eye. Several shelves were lined with action figures, including Captain Action's Lone Ranger, Tonto and Kato. My initial reaction was, "The original costumes didn't include a doll. That's not Captain Action. It's just a Lone Ranger doll!". As soon as I arrived home, I started thinking back on Captain Action's starring role in my Christmas 30+ years ago. I rushed back downtown -- anxious that the store would close before I got there. For a few hours, I was seven years old again. I went back the next day to buy a second doll in the series.

    Name:JamesDate & Time Posted:Dec 31, 1998 00:45

    Story:Well, what can i say? Im not as old as most of you guys, but I do thank God for Repros! Captain Action and G.I.Joe. I have all the new ones. I love them all. Cap is badass and so is Dr.Evil. My parents dont like them much( my mom thinks they look stupid, but she will never understand the 60's sculpting. I dont know what her problem is), But I still buy them. My best Buddy Dan got me The lone ranger for christmas, and i bought Tonto and Green Hornet myself. The first c/a repro i got was the good captain himself, followed by Dr.Evil. Now I own all of them, and all of the G.I.Joe repros too! (please excuse the bad grammer, its late for me :) ) Peace all, Im out. P.S. I DO open my toys ( bless those who do, and if you dont, thats cool for you, but if you open them, they are more fun.) and i like to play with Cap. My friends thik im crazy, but thats ok.

    Name:joeDate & Time Posted:Jan 5, 1999 21:03

    Story:when i was a small kid in the 60s, i lived in indiana, i remember seeing CAPT. action in the toy department,begged my mom to get it, she said not right now,later that xmas, i got the CAPT. action doll, i went wild, and then it was even more great when i saw he could turn into my fave hero...BATMAN.then something happened 30 years later, i met a girl from indiana (i now live in PA.),she became my girlfriendshe moved to pa with me, well we went to indiana to spend xmas with her family, we went to a store and ....there he was CAPT action (the REMAKE THATS OUT NOW), on the shelf, i said i gotta have it, but i didnt get it, guess what, the following day (XMAS DAY ) i got CAPT > ACTION< i thought it was pretty cool to have almost the same thing in the same state happen 30 years l;ater long live C/A joe

    Name:Joe Ahearn Date & Time Posted:Jan 6, 1999 15:40

    Story:I first became aware of Captain Action in the Summer of 1967 at age 5 while visiting my older cousin Joe. He had CA, AB and many of the original outfits. Being a super hero nut, I immediately fell in love with it all. My cousin gave me an extra Superman outfit he had which I put on GIJOE when I got home, but that didn't cut it so I pestersd my parents for a CA for XMAS and low & behold, found one under the tree Xmas morning.

    Name:Brad Gallaway Date & Time Posted:Jan 15, 1999 13:05

    Story:I never was into Captain Action, my collection was all Johnny West, Chief Cherokee, some indian I found in a garage sale (he had a mohawk), and several G.I. Joes. I kept all of my "men" in a big cardboard box, which I would take out into the backyard and play for hours. I suppose I may have been, (an probably still am) a bit odd, but I would create a sort of caste system with my figures. The somewhat bigger marx toys were the bosses over the somewhat smaller G.I. Joes. Once after seeing Clint Eastwood in "Hang-em High", I went home and made may own gallows out of a box. I would blindfold the men (usually the joes) , tie their hands behind their backs and "hang-em". What a strange kid.

    Name:Clint Mesle Date & Time Posted:Jan 18, 1999 10:12

    Story:When I was a kid, during the golden age of action figures, my friends and I constantly debated who was better, G.I. Joe or Captain Action. My vote always fell to Captain Action. He was without a doubt the coolest action figure. It was 1966 and I really wanted the Batman costume for my Cap. Action, but since the show was so popular, every toy store was sold out of Batman. So I had to settle for the Phamtom who was my first costume. For the next two years for Christ- mas and birthdays I received Superman, Lone Ranger, Capt. America, Aquaman, Flash Gordon and BuckRogers, but alas, still no Batman. I remember the epic battles I used to have in my backyard between C.A. dressed as Capt. America vs. my German stormtrooper G>I> Joe. Probably the greatest fun or my early childhood was spent creating my own comic books with my Capt. Action figures. It is now thirty years later and I finally got my Batman costume! Though I have to admit I receive a greater thrill when I collect the costumes of my childhood.

    Name:Jamie Beovich Date & Time Posted:Feb 8, 1999 05:55

    Story:I was about 4 or 5 when I got my CA. In Australia GI joe was not popular. When I told my parents that I wanted a CA they were horrified It was a doll! CA gave me endless pleasure I loved him. As soon as was practical many years later my parents "lost" him. He was a doll after all. Years passed. Now at 35 I have a reissue CA. Try to get one shipped to Australia. Not easy. Friends got me one on a trip to the USA. I feel happy as a pig in poop. My young son is most envious but his "dolls" wiil noy disappear!

    Name:Bob D Date & Time Posted:Feb 23, 1999 18:09

    Story:Captain Action was by far my favorite toy as a kid. I was born in 1962, so I was young when they first came out. Anyway, I never had many costumes, probably just Superman (I loved Krypto!) and the Phantom. My older brother actually converted the Phantom costume to a "Victor" costume. The Victor was a super hero that he had created. He modified the costume and created a sheild to go with it - really cool. Sadly, Captain Action is associated with a traumatic incident in my childhood. I played with him constantly. In fact I played so much that one day his head fell off. Well, when his head fell off, his arms and legs fell off too! I lost it. My mother heard this blood curtling scream from the other side of the house. By the time she came into my room, I was in tears. My mother searched all over town for a new CA, but couldn't find one. She ended up getting me a GI Joe, which was a poor substitute. My mom and I still remember this incident over 30 years later. Now that I know there are replicas out there, I will have to be reunited with the favorite toy of my youth.

    Name:David M. Date & Time Posted:Feb 25, 1999 00:33

    Story:This story involves two generations of family members who had Captain Actions in the possession. The first happen in the 1966 when my Dad got all sorts of Captain Actions, costumes, assessories,weaponary,as well as Action Boy and Dr. Evil. I was told that he played with them a lot as a child and that the only thing that spare them from being completely thrown away was there were used for models to help his drawing carreer. Over the years, some of the toys and costumes met there ultimate doom one way or another. For instance, my dad got the Aquaman costume all wet and wanted to dry it off in front of a space heater. He placed it a bit too close and the next then he knew, burnt a huge hole in the chest of the costume! Despite the hardship, some of the stuff still survived, when years later, I ran across the good Captain, and Dr. Evil, as well as a couple of G.I. Joes. Asking all sorts of questions about these neat toys that I discovered, my Dad began to tell the tale he had with the toys. Well, I wanted play with them as well, but he wouldn't let me as he knew they were worth something, and didn't want them to get anymore damaged than they were. Alas, I thought I would never get to play with Captain Action. Then Christmas of 1998 rolls around, and much to my surprise, there under the tree was waiting for me the reissued Captain Action, and all of the available outfits for him. It turn out that my Aunt, who I was shopping with, wasn't paying attention and walked right into the shipping boxes that had all of them. I saw them and begged and begged. She just smiled and said, "Christmas is coming." Never did I suspect that I would wind up with all of them. Since Christmas, we would wind up buying more Captain Actions to have the wear the old costumes again. There, standing on the shelf is two generations of Captain Actions and Dr. Evils. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Dr. Evil- one with and without the mask on, and of course all the new ones.

    Name:AdamDate & Time Posted:Mar 12, 1999 13:30

    Story:I remember a toy given to me soon after my dad died by my uncle. I was about 4. As best as I can recall, it was a a really neat scale working model of an aircraft carrier. I think it was called either Mighty Matilda or Mighty Mo... no, not the battleship. In anycase, I recall several years of fun on summer days on our Long Island farm porch. If anyone can recall this or better yet, refer me to a photo or web site...I'd be really happy. After moving a few years later... the toy got lost in shuffle. Thanks.

    Name:Jody Birchfield Date & Time Posted:Mar 27, 1999 16:30

    Story:I remember for my birthday one year, my mom took me to the local TG&Y store to get me a birthday present. She said I could get 2 things. The store had a talking Adventure Team Commander GIJoe with accessories. They also had an "Eagle-Eye" Joe who could move his eyes from side to side. As I perused the toy aisle, I also found a Starskey and Hutch Radio Command Center. Oh, lord it was a hard decision: I eventually ended up with the Talking Joe and the Radio command center. I loved them both (looking back, I wish I would have got the Eagle eye Joe, though). My Talking Joe would only say "One for all and all for One." I threw away the package, so I didn't know you could pull the string out to different lengths to make him say different phrases. Anyway, one day after church some friends stopped by. Mom said, "Go get your talking GI Joe and show everybody how he talks." I did. My mom took it and pulled his string to show everyone how he talked, but when she did, his string didn't go back in! IT WAS BROKEN! I remember thinking "Thanks Mom!" Anyway, in later years when my brother and I learned that Hasbro had stopped making 12" G.I. Joes, we cried for like a whole day. True Story.

    Name:DJ Pennett Date & Time Posted:Apr 15, 1999 11:01

    Story:I have been collecting toys from the 60's and 70's for approximately 10 years. Recently, my parents had all of their old 8mm home movies transferred to video cassette and I sat down to watch them for the first time in years. It was amazing....every Christmas and birthday from 1962 - 1978 was captured on film. Toys which I now have in my collection were all there on the screen, performoing the task for which they were originally created....making children happy. Here are a few favorite images of toys which are now part of my own collection: 1964- Opening a Hess tanker truck - my Grandmother is seen crumpling up the box...OUCH! 1967 - An Ideal Motorific set being set up by my dad on Christmas Eve. 1968 - A Mighty Mike Camelback Skyway set taking up a good part of the living room floor. These are just a few of the great toys featured on these tapes. If your parents were like mine and used that old movie camera to document your childhood, I encourage you to seek out those "ancient" films; make some popcorn, sit down (perhaps with your own children) and just watch and enjoy. It's a wonderful way to view your now "priceless" collectibles in their original and true form.

    Name:Tom Stewart Date & Time Posted:Apr 18, 1999 23:22

    Story:Well, some of my fondest (and most tramatic) memories of my toys revolve around mr brother. I had (this was 72-75) the Mego Fist Fighting Batman and Robin dolls that I treasured. These were the coolest of all the Batman dolls I had owned. You see, I'd get new ones for Christmas or my birthday every year because I'd play the things into oblivion. Well, it seems that I had not played with these toys in my brothers sight (which was what really counted) for awhile, so when he got his new pump-action BB rifle, and started looking for something more challenging than old 'TAB' cans, his eyes alighted on these poor, defensless figures. He shot them to pieces. Little pieces. Now, when I cried to my mother about this, her reply was something like 'Well, you should have put them away." Ah parents. Next time I'll post what he did to my GI Joe.

    Name:tom Stewart Date & Time Posted:Apr 19, 1999 05:08

    Story:This one is a true story, it'd have to be. My fother spent most of his youth in construction as a cement finisher. When there was no construction, there was no work, and no money for toys. One week before Christmas, my mother called all of us kids together (there were four of us then, soon to be six!), and told us there would be no Christmas that year. Dad was out of work and there was just no money to be spared for toys. We kids were very mature. We all nodded and agreed that that would be the best thing, we'd just...wait, maybe, soon, Dad would find a new job through the union, and we would have Christmas then. Very civilized. Of course, we were dying. We never had a lot of money, and Christmas in the best of times was a meger affair, but maybe because it was so humble, we looked forward to it all the more. I was the first one awake on Christmas day, I always was. I figured I'd go upstairs and see what cartoons were on tv, and see if the Christmas cookies Grandma always sent (instead of toys) had been put out the night before. I didn't even want to look at the tree...there would be nothing there, why bother...stupid tree. But there, under the tree, were four boxes, each wrapped in Christmas paper, each layed boldly under the tree, and each calling to me to tear them open! I sounded the alarm to my brothers and sister...PRESENTS!! Well, it seems a check that my Dad had forgot about (for a job he'd done a year before, Ah, the construction business) had come through. He'd run out Christmas eve and had bought us each a plastic toy. I got a blue helicoptor, that the rotors worked on and lit up. It also made a heck of a racket. Best toy and best Christmas I ever had.

    Name:Rick Keefe Date & Time Posted:Apr 20, 1999 18:50

    Story:I was an only child the first 9 Christmases of my life, and was plenty spoiled. I had most of the classic toys of the 60's, but for some reason, the Christmas I remember the most is 1965. It sounds cliche, but I can still remember as if it was yesterday walking down the stairs from my bedroom on Christmas morning, and opening, in succession, the GI JOE jeep and Deep Sea Diver, and the Marx Zorro figure on his horse. I was way into Zorro, ALMOST as much as GI JOE, so you can imagine what a great holiday that was. Eight years old, a 2-week break from 3rd grade with nothing to do but play with the coolest toys....no doubt each generation thinks this, but they really don't make toys like they used to, do they?

    Name:Neil Uricoli Date & Time Posted:May 25, 1999 17:24

    Story:Being the youngest of seven (six boys, one girl) and being born in 1966 meant not only was I a surprise baby (I'm much younger than my siblings) it also meant that I inheritted a large supply of GI JOE paraphernalia. I had countless JOE items. Two space capsules, 8 to 12 Joes, every imaginable accessory. At any given point in time I could siut up all of my Joes in the same gear. As the Seventies AT accessries came about I received the helicopter, the Headquarters, sand vehicals, and a multitude of other AT items. There was that awesome motorcycle w/sidecar, the handglider, that really flew. If you rigged your Joes correctly you could have a friend toss it out of a third story window of a house. One Joe seated, connected with a piece of string to the kite would be another Joe equipped with a parachute. Toss the kite...pull the string...and Joe would parachute to safty as the other glided in for a semi-safe landing. As spoiled as I was with my Joe gear, there was one item that I desired The Five Star Jeep. My best friend and my brother David(he was the nearest in age to me, only six years) had them. Since I was not allowed to touch my brothers jeep, my desire only grew. Then on my seventh bithday that lucky little boy got his jeep. My mom must have picked up old store stock because my cannon still fired the projectiles. My brother and I rounded up all of our friends. We proceeded to have one of the biggest GI JOE dirt bomb battles that has ever occured. Hasbro did more than create a blockbuster toy. They created the best action figure a boy could ever want, it sparked imagination and ingenuity. I hope I can provide my son with the same special treatment that I received.

    Name:Jeff Browning Date & Time Posted:Jun 3, 1999 00:30

    Story:I'm 33 years old and reading the letters here sure bring back alot of good and bad memories. I grew up in a family of 5, and my father was in the navy. We didn't have alot of money but my father tried to give all of us the toys we wanted. I started collecting the Jonnie West figures and horses from an early age and on every birthday or christmas I would get one of the figures and sometimes a horse. It took a long time for me to get the entire set but I knew every christmas what I wanted and was lucky to get at least one figure everytime. I played with these figures all the time and kept every piece in great condition. As I got older I put every piece in a box and put it up in the attic and in my mind I wanted to give them to my children so they could injoy them as I did. Well the family that lived behind us was going through some tough times and there father lost his job just before christmas. My mom came to me and asked me if she could give them my collection so there 5 year old could still have a christmas. I thought only for a short time and said yes because I knew that this would be a great feeling for this little boy to get such a gift. My mom said she knows how much my collection ment to me but I never told her that I planned to give it to my own children in the future. I felt good about what I did untill about 3 weeks later. I was in the back yard and saw one of the figures all broken up and then as I looked around in the yard next to us there were more and more pieces. I broke into tears for all the time I spent taking care of my long earned collection it was gone in a matter of days. I have since put that all behind me and now I'm in the Air Force and have two children of my own. About a year ago I picked up a toy collectors magazine and saw what some of the jonny west figures were going for. The money value didnt bother me of what my collection could of been worth but not being able to pass my collection to my son kind of does. I still think I did the right thing that year and now I might try to recreate the collection if it's possible. To all who have had that feeling of joy at christmas should understand why I did the right thing.

    Name:Garlic Jr. Date & Time Posted:Jun 13, 1999 00:36

    Story:I am a 10 year old toy collecter for 1 thing. I was reading a magazine it said Captain Action is the best! I saw all the cool stuff. But when I saw 1966 and hundred of dollers On that 1996 day it looked hopeless. I just had 5 bucks. 2years later 1998 gave Hope! I was at Toys r us finding Christmass plans. Then I saw it! PlayingMantis remade Caption Action! Later on Christmass Day I found a big box. What was in it? It was Captain Action! I yell Woppie! I found Dr. Evil in a diferent Box. It was a happy day !

    Name:Omar S Date & Time Posted:Sep 22, 1999 20:12

    Story:This is not really Christmas, but a birthday story. When I was about 10, I saw these "action figures" (Ken)in the 12 inch size. Well I wanted one. That previous Christmas I had gone to Tennessee to visit my Mom's friends. During December i saw the sales on Kens. My Dad just laughed at me about it. Anyway, On my birthday, I opened the biggest present I had recieved. And there it was! A whole lot better than any old Ken, was a New Kids On The Block figure- Jordan to be exact- . It was made by Hasbro, the makers of G.I.Joe. And I loved it! I'll never forget the way I felt on that day. I played with it for hours on end.He went everywhere with me, except school. He even went to the Hospital when I had surgery on 9 muscles in my legs. Last year his legs broke off. I did what any red blooded boy would do, I bought a Figure Skating Ken, took off those legs and attached them to Jordan's body with a strong elastic. I'm going to be 19 soon. And I still think that Jordan was the best present I ever recieved. Thanks Mom!

    Name:Rick Oliver Date & Time Posted:Sep 27, 1999 19:46

    Story:November, 1964. I hear the ad on my favorite T.V. Show, Combat, you know the one, Gi Joe, GI Joe Fighting man from Head to Toe! I was in love. The only thing I wanted for my 9th birthday was a GI Joe. My father (a WWII Army Ranger) was immediately insensed, "No Son of mine will ever play with a doll!" But as usually the case, Mom won that(and usually all other) battle. Wrapped at my birthday supper was a distinctive 12 inch box.I took a ruler our and measured the package. I was so excited, I know it was my fighting man! I could watch Combat on Wednesday nights and Joe and I could kill those Krauts just like Saunders and Caje. Being a sickly child, I had few friends. No one wanted to play with the kid who couldn't keep up. Joe became my best friend. I remember when I lost his fatigue hat I thought that I had seen the beginning of the end of the earth. I was shattered. I left my best friend, Joe down! How could he ever go to formation again without his cover? Thank goodness that my sister was so cheap she used to check under the seats of our 64 Dodge 440 for change. She found Joe's hat! Joy of Joy! I was no longer in the doghouse with my best friend! No more KP for me! Well Joe is still with me, along with dozens more. Recently my 80 year old father bought me a Teddy Roosevelt Joe. I reminded him of the battle for my first Joe. He made no comment. By the way, I kept my Joe in his box until I left for the Army. When cleaning out before I left, I threw the box away and gave the doll to my sister for her son. I wish I would have kept that box! I have enjoyed reading all of the stories! Thanks for letting me share mine. Rick Oliver

    Name:Scott Brooks Date & Time Posted:Oct 4, 1999 18:20

    Story:I was 5 years old in 1968 and got a Captain Action Phantom costume for Christmas. I never had a CA figure, but it worked pretty well on my GI Joe. Only one other kid on the street where I lived had GI Joes, so I was forced to play with him (His name shall not be revealed, though the only innocent I'm protecting is myself). A fiendish older kid, he would stealthily pocket my stuff when we played. When I accused him of it, he would deny it and proceed to beat me up. In this manner I lost all the accessories to my Phantom costume, though I still have, after all these years, the body suit and mask and hood. When I complained about the losses to my mom, she would just tell me not to play with him. But, desperate for someone to share such a cool toy with, it was a lesson I had to learn over and over. Now my son is 5 years old, and likes his new release Captain Action (as Flash Gordon). We're eagerly awaiting the re-release of the Phantom costume. He's also asking Santa for the Green Hornet reissue. Signs look promising for his wish.

    Name:toneDate & Time Posted:Oct 18, 1999 01:09

    Story:My story is somewhat different from the majority. In 1966 I was just over two years old. Two presents I received that year were to shape my collecting preferences forever! One was a Japanese Tin ALPS "Mystery Action" Boeing 707 Jetliner; the other was a Hubley boxed set of diecast Planes of WWII featuring the Curtiss P-40 (I still have this one). When I got older I began to look for toy planes similar to these. I finally found one in 1986 and have been collecting them ever since.

    Name:Sean Blank Date & Time Posted:Dec 29, 1999 14:37

    Story:When I was around seven( I am 12 now ) I just loved action figures.For Christmas, birthdays, and even just when I wanted to, I would receive an action figure ( I had so much money as a young kid )but being the careless kid that I was, opened the boxes of my beloved G.I.Joes, and then throw the boxes away.I would do what any young kid would do, and threw my G.I.Joes around.I still have all of my G.I.Joes, and have resumed collecting, infact, I am a very serious collector ( sounds strange coming from a 12 year old boy doesn't it!? ) but I still remember all the fun times I had with my 12" action figures.

    Name:glenn d. Date & Time Posted:Jan 23, 2000 21:24

    Story: Iam a 36 years old , and reading these story's and re-leaving a Christmas from long ago has made this man very happy and to the point of almost getting tears in my eyes. I guess I got my first captian action batman outfit and silver streak at about 4 or 5 and he was my favorite action figure (mmm)ran a cose secound. This is a great site , and thank you very much for bringing the Captain back to life for me ! I would love to find a captain in average condition but with all gear , what would this cost , I dont care about the box. thanks again for some very happy memorys ! glennbdelahay@hotmail.com If

    Name:BrianDate & Time Posted:Jan 25, 2000 05:22

    Story:The year was 1978 and I was in a junior bowling league. My goal that year was to bowl a 100 game(quite a feat for a 8yr old first time bowler). My goal was not only to reach this milestone but if I did my parents were going to buy me a Millienium Falcon.Reach it i did a 102 game!!;However to my disapointment no Falcon (that was march) December rolled around and I all but foregot my parents promise.Then as luck would have it christmas morning brought my wish.The biggest box under the tree(remember those?) I tore into with kid vigure and there it was in all its glory The Millenium Falcon!!! Not caring about a collectors item worth hundreds of dollars;I quickly tore open the box put on the stickers etc,placed it in on my kitchen floor,lined up my action figures and captured the moment on film. After that day Han, Chewie, and Luke flew through the jungles of my backyard landed on the icy ground of my driveway,and blew up stormtroopers camped out on my bed. Today the Falcon is docked in my parents home inside a cardboard hanger placed in their garage but,it still tarvels through the hyperspace of my memory!!!!

    Name:John J Cassata Date & Time Posted:Jan 29, 2000 21:03

    Story:One day I was allowed to spend the night with a friend. We played Joes all night and the next day. We did some trading of Joe equipment and outfits. When I had to go home, I started playing with my newly acquired Joe stuff my mother noticed the Joe stuff. She was upset, I had to go give all the Joe stuff back. You see I had hand me down's and second hand stuff, My friend had all new Joe's and my mother was embarassed. I did not trade because I wanted to take advantage of my friend, I thought it was normal. Please be carefull when you trade Joe's as though you might Hurt someone you Love.

    Name:Robin Spriggs Date & Time Posted:Feb 7, 2000 01:31

    Story:The following reminiscence was written in response to the suggestion that Captain Action might sell better to 21-century toy buyers if Playing Mantis (the company responsible for the Captain's return) ceased to emphasize his costumed personas and presented him more in the tradition of GI Joe: "MYSTERY IN ACTION" Since Captain Action and I share the same birthday, I almost missed his first incarnation altogether. Almost, I say, but not quite. Flash forward to the holiday season of 1969. I received from my father one of those long mesh Yuletide stockings that are usually filled to bursting with the cheapest toys imaginable. By some miracle, though, this particular stocking contained three of Captain Action's remaindered costume sets--Superman, Captain America, and my all-time favorite . . . Lee Falk's the Phantom. If memory serves, the costume sets were complete but not in their Ideal packaging. So all I knew was that I had these three strange and wonderful dolls that came with fabulous accessories but had no arms and legs. I had no idea who Captain Action was; but as a three-year-old hillbilly who didn't have access to an indoor bathroom, let alone to comic books, I had no idea who Captain America and the Phantom were either. Still, I remember dressing up those plastic busts with great delight, transforming them from blank-faced stumps into colorful heroes ready to save the day. I soon discovered who Captain America and the Phantom were, but for many years thereafter the hero for whom those costume sets were made remained a nettling riddle. Growing up, I often reflected on those mysterious doll disguises and wondered why I'd never seen the like since. Whenever I tried to describe them to someone else, no one knew what I was talking about. Even my parents had no recollection of the treasures in that red mesh stocking--or of the stocking itself, for that matter (my parents have memories a lot like mesh stockings). I might have assumed I'd dreamed the whole thing up had I not still had in my possession a few meager accessories--a Superman mask, Captain America holster, and Phantom rifle. Then one day, over twenty years after receiving the best damn limbless dolls a boy ever had, I was looking through a book about old toys and came across a section on Captain Action. In a staggering wave of realization, the age-old puzzle was solved, and I could finally attach a name to the mysterious toys I had held so dear as a child. The experience was much like bumping into a stranger on the street and suddenly discovering that he is the brother you never knew you had. So from my point of view, Captain Action and his Halloween costumes are one. Had it not been for the latter, I would have never known and become a fan of the former. To deny him his costumes would be to strip him of the very thing I love about him most--his chameleonic mystique. Changing from hero to hero is what the good Captain does best. Here's hoping he continues to do it for a long time to come. Costumed and ready for Action, Robin Spriggs

    Name:RonDate & Time Posted:Feb 26, 2000 13:14

    Story:When I was seven, a friend of my older brother's made me a stuffed frog with really lanky arms and legs. It was the funniest looking toy I'd ever seen. Most of all, I was stunned by the fact that she spent all that time to MAKE me a gift for NO REASON at all. I played with that frog (named Sprout) for years. I built him a suit of armor using tin foil, and I made him a tank out of a cardboard box. He had to have each of his lanky limbs reattatched at least twice. He is the only childhod toy I still own. Many years later, my wife-to-be devised a very clever wedding gift for me. She stole my frog and gave it to her mother, a talented dressmaker. Her mother made a near-perfect clone of my frog, only it had red lips and eyelashes (a bride for Sprout, named Sprite). Her mother also washed and fixed up the orginal, Sprout. Of course, our two frogs attended our wedding reception (Sprite even wore a veil that day). As the evening progressed and my newphews and neice became bored, the two frogs were generous enough to entertain them for a few hours. It still amazes me to this day how much that single act of generosity positively impacted my entire childhood.

    Name:Steve Allsup Date & Time Posted:Mar 6, 2000 15:21

    Story: What golden age of Earth's history can compare with being a grade-school boy in 67? After school there was Dark Shadows, at night, Star Trek and Batman and too many others, on Saturday morning there was Space Ghost and the Beatles, at the drug store there was Magnus: Robot Fighter 4000 AD and Kirby's Captain America and Manning's Tarzan, not to mention the original, authentic Lost in Space, whose very rip off was a legend! Xmas 64- sold out of Joe so I got a bummer Stoney! Xmas 65- Dad finally lets me have a "doll", so I ask my cousin for a German and I get a Russian. At least it is a real Joe with some classy riding pants. Finally, CA hits the stores! Thank you Playing Mantis for bringin' him back! Who would ever have guessed the toy depression to come- of Mego and Superpowers(which I have finally been reconciled with). But Captain Action is truly the king of all action figures. Still, do any of you guys out there remember the frisbee? I had the first issue- with ufo windows around the sides- 1964. And were spy guns a big deal? I had the UNCLE special, but always lusted for the 007 gun I could never find. Maybe we were spoiled rotten, but those were the golden days. May they return in this new millenium for all generations of grade school boys to come!

    Name:Erich Heinemann Date & Time Posted:Mar 9, 2000 23:52

    Story:My older brother and I were REALLY into "action figures" in the mid-sixties (although I don't think we referred to them that way at the time.) G.I. Joes got the ball rolling, but it was the Man From UNCLE and James Bond figures (if I remember correctly) that really interested us, because we were Secret Agent fiends, and loved the boom of spy TV shows and movies of the period (Man from UNCLE, The Avengers, Honey West, Secret Agent Man, and of course, the James Bond films.) So all of our inspiration came from the secret agent genre. We never played Army, the Joes were just used as support characters. And we created REALLY involved story lines, mainly due to my brother's talent for complex plots and scenareros (later on he would become a D&D "dungeonmaster" par excellence!) And to complete the picture, we had a really big playroom in the basement of our house, and every toy we owned would be used in our fantasies. I can remember using our building blocks (every kid had those!) to make buildings, for instance. When Captain Action came out, we really took to it, even though neither of us were comics fans at the time, apart from the Batman craze. But I suppose there was something about the variety of characters that CA provided gave us additional inspiration for our fantasies. And Action Boy! I LOVED having a boy hero -- this allowed me to place myself more into the role-playing than ever! And we had a Cap doll for each costume, or dressed the Joes in them. Being two, we were able to combine our allowances and go hog wild! Every Saturday, we'd go with our father when we went to the shopping street to shop for the week's groceries. While Dad shopped, my bro' and I went to the toy store and ooohed and ahhhed over everything and decided on what to get. And, all things told we ended up having just about EVERYTHING! The piece de resistance was getting a Silver Streak for Christmas in 1967 (I think)! To be honest, I don't remember any of the specifics of the story lines (I'm sure my brother would, though.) The only thing I remember is rather silly. I remember playing out a scene were Action Boy's hand was BLOWN OFF (!!!), and instead of having it surgically replaced, he received a "super weapon" in it's place. This was done physically by RIPPING off his "real" hand (to all you collectors, I apologize for any discomfort that hearing this might have caused!) and taking the plastic top of a magic-marker, that has sort of a ray-gun look (they still make 'em that way today, btw) and attaching it to AC. It was so coool, and sooooo tragic! Shades of Luke Skywalker, only I did it FIRST! Later on, I "discovered" comic books in earnest, and this heralded the demise of the Captain Action play sessions (that, and the fact that my brother was outgrowing his interest in playing with me.) Later on, I sold all my CA stuff, (and most of my other toys) in order to raise money to publish a comic fanzine that lasted one issue. Visiting this site really brought back a lot of fond memories of a very special part of my childhood! Thanks.

    Name:Jeff Keller Date & Time Posted:Mar 24, 2000 02:51

    Story:I was 10 years old when my oldest brother (and best friend) went to serve our country in Viet Nam. When he came back 18 months later, he was stricken with a severe case of malaria. He was hospitalized at the Great Lakes Naval Hospital outside of Chicago. One Friday afternoon, my Mom & Dad let me skip a half day of school so I could make the 90 minute trip to see my brother in the hospital(90 minutes was a loooong drive with my Dad). As I got in the car, there was a bag in the back seat. I opened the bag and inside was the one precious gem that had eluded me for so long. I had an almost complete collection of every Captain action item available at the time (Silver Streak and all), but because of limited availability and poor distribution in Milwaukee, I had only heard of a side kick to the good Captain in whispers. Well, there in the bag was a brand spanking new Action Lad! Imagine the rapture!!!! I was in heaven. The bag also contained Robin and Aqualad costumes, so the Captain, The Kid and I went on to share thousands of great advetures together. My brother went on to have a complete recovery from the Malaria, and the Captain (Action, that is) and I have had a wonderful relationship ever since.

    Name:RobbyDate & Time Posted:Apr 6, 2000 19:25

    Story:My story starts in 1975, when my to older brothers though that they had outgrown there gijoe figures. My mom gave asked me if I wanted them, she had them in a trash bag and I knew that they would end up in the dump. I took yhem happily, there was about 10 figures one of them was a russian soldier.Myself I grew up with the adventure team figures, with so many gijoe's my adventures were very fun. I had jeeps and even a chopper, never the less I was a boy and with so many men, when they died in battle I actually burried them (sad huh!) the rest went into my closet and then into my attic until about 1995 when my mom had a yard sell. When I arrived lo and behold there were my gijoe's in a box marked $2['00'] I could not beleive it .My pashion returned,I snatched them up and went home and now I have about 7 of the original men and about 30 more,I customize them for fun ,like alot of people are getting into now . I have collected many things boats, clothing weopons and even some vehicles. my house is full ,busting out is a better word for it.know I have to fight one of my brothers every day he comes over , he wants he wants his men back. I often wonder if I go back in my moms yard and dig under the tree were I buried them would they be there? maybe I'll try it

    Name:Yo Joe! Date & Time Posted:May 3, 2000 20:16

    Story:I'm still younger than most the guys here, but i thank the world for reproducing GI Joe. I started to loe Gi Joe when my cuz first got his. Since than i had beged until christmas. And on christmas day i got... The "NOW and Then" Gi JOe collectors edition of the 1999 model and the first model. it is still unopened (although i think of tearing up the box so i can play) and every tim i have a spare $15 i go to a toystore and buy a Gi joe. i have 8 now and its great

    Name:ed Date & Time Posted:Jun 14, 2000 14:54

    Story:I was seven in 1966. My older brother and I were big MARVEL COMICS fans. The other kids had GI Joe, which was fine, but CAPTAIN ACTION was a real SUPERHERO. His shiny emblem and leotard gave me a thrill. I got the Captain, then DR. EVIL, then the SGT.FURY costume (Batman and Superman were from D.C... Not interested.) My older sister objected to the little comic that came with him, where he's fighting the one-eyed aliens. She said, "Are they the bad guys because they look different than us?" (Hey, It was the 60's.) Instead of the SILVER STREAK, my dad built CA a big tank with wheels out of wood. I was jealous when a kid on WONDERAMA on TV won a CA with a PARACHUTE! For my next birthday, I got two SURVIVAL VESTS and a plastic BATMOBILE model kit. But by the time I got ACTION BOY, the whole thing kind of depressed me. Somehow he didn't make me as happy as I thought he would... • FAST FORWARD: About two years ago, I'm looking at a book of VINTAGE BATMAN TOYS with my six-year old daughter. "Hey! THAT'S CAPTAIN ACTION! Wait, I think I still have mine in a box IN THE ATTIC!" Sure enough, its all there, even though CA's leg is broken in his leotard. And the last time I played with DR. EVIL I left his tunic crumpled in a ball, and now its as stiff as a rock. This launched my collecting phase. Even though I have a loving wife, beautiful children, a nice house, and a creative job at a good salary, I was miserable because I was working hard and my boss was driving me nuts. I thought that buying myself a few rewards would make me happy. So I dropped a couple hundred on incomplete CAPT.AMERICA and PHANTOM costumes in a shop in Farmingdale, Long Island. This led me to a guy in a shop in Greenwich Village that said that he could hook me up with a mint-in-box SPIDERMAN for several thou. While I probably could have afforded it I realized that It would have been cheaper to make a big sign that said "MID-LIFE CRISIS" and wear it around my neck. • I'M HAPPY AS HELL about the REPRODUCTIONS but I've been a little lackadaisical about collecting them. I guess we all love our toys, but lets not forget the things that are really important (Sorry to get all Oprah on ya...)

    Name:john baker Date & Time Posted:Aug 4, 2000 11:29

    Story:I always like christmas morning. one christmas morning when I was little I think It was christmas of 1978 Then Finally at 4:00am I had to get mark, stacy my mom and dad oh boy mark was not happy because he did not like christmas mornings at all because he knew that he had to get up real early one christmas morning. Mark is one of those persons who could sleep untill noon if you would let him. we had to wait at the stairs untill my dad went down and got every thing all set. then finally when i went down there i find a a surprise It was a bobo the clown punching bag. and when you squeezed his nose i would squeaked signed john baker

    Name:Prefer to withold... Date & Time Posted:Sep 27, 2000 13:13

    Story:Every year, Christmas is a stressful time, Money is always tight, and with my birthday only a week after (New Years Day, to be precise), year after year, things look grim for me.... I had wanted several items for Christmas, but as always, money is tight, so I was handed a $20 bill, and told to pick out anything I wanted...which I did with elation ($20 is still a big chunk of cash to me today!)....I would pick out something cool, like some Star Wars vehicle, or Super Powers item...(This was WAAY back in the early '80s...I know, I'm still a Young'un, but still it's MY story).. so I took my 20 bucks, and bought something BIG with my money...(Only time I could get something so expensive, was my birthday, or Christmas)... anyway, a week later (After Christmas, but still before my birthday), we were hopping through the Mall, and my dad saw a $5 bill on the ground, he scooped it up, and unfolded it, behind it was another five!, and behind that, a Twenty, and behind that, another twenty!, and behind that, ONE HUNDRED BUCKS!, but the fun doesn't stop there, he took five bucks, and bought five lottery tickets, after scratching off the first few, he became disheartened that he wasn't winning anything(But still elated that he had found a hundred and fifty bucks on the ground!).... he scratched off the last ticket, and hit for FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS!!! needless to say, I had the best birthday of my LIFE that year... I am also really excited about Cap Action.... Just wish they'd re-release the DC Comics character costumes (Sadly, Playing Mantis has cancelled the line :( )

    Name:Mac Date & Time Posted:Dec 6, 2000 00:34

    Story:My younger brother and I had a wonderful childhood and I truly thank Mom & Dad from the bottom of my heart. We got both Gi-joes and Captain Action costumes. I really loved my Captain America and Spiderman. I would put the costume on a Gi-joe then put his uniform over it to do the quick change thing when danger came. This worked really well with the Captain America costume, God I loved that costume. We had most of the Captain Action costumes Batman,Superman, the Phantom,Lone Ranger and the ones we didn't have we switched with friends that did, We would trade for a week or so. Unfortunately when I got older, I was asked to donate all of my stuff to a missionary group that my older sisters belonged to, They provided Christmas Toys to childern in Mexico that had nothing to play with. I tell you my sisters made me and my brother feel real bad because we wanted to keep them. (Your to old for dolls) Man that hurts! All I have is the memory. I am 44years old now it was the right thing to do at the time. Merry Christmas

    Name:AMIEN HAZRAT Date & Time Posted:Dec 8, 2000 19:19

    Story:DEAR EVERY BODY MY NAME IS amien i just wanted a some thing but i didnt get it and this year i wrote a wish list and gave it to my dad he got 2 stuff for me for 2 dollers and ijust wanted a poo-chi a robotic dog PLEASE!

    Name:amien hazrat Date & Time Posted:Dec 8, 2000 19:27

    Story:i just wanted to tell you some thing, my family never gives me no presents for christmasijust wanted to ask you some thing could you get me a poochi a robotic dog. i just wanted to depend on some oneand i wanted to have a good christmas and thank you please !MERY CHRISTMAS.!!!!

    Name:Jose Musse Date & Time Posted:Dec 14, 2000 16:55

    Story:I wnat Deep ea Diver, version with G.I. Jose with hair artificial, voice and others. maybe made in 1964-1975, plesase contact me.

    Name:Jim Date & Time Posted:Dec 19, 2000 01:18

    Story:Captain Action, now that is a name I have not heard in 34 years, Christmas 1967. They just don't make toys like that any more. My brother Steve and myself both got Captain Action figures for Christmas from Dad and Mom . Complete with Superman and Batman customes. The followng year I got Action Boy at the Woolco at the Grant Park Shopping centre. I got the robin outfit for him. Just could not find the Spiderman outfit. Spidey's out next year as a movie. What this toy would be worth next year. How about the great Man From Uncle outfit with the spy equipment and plastic rain coat. Used that coat in many a school play. Great memories.

    Name:Harvey Poling Date & Time Posted:Jan 4, 2001 09:11

    Story: I still remember the Christmas morning that Captain Action stood on my dresser, sword raised to fight some imaginary enemy. I had a total of about 6 outfits, (Superman, Batman, Buck Rogers, Lone Ranger, Tonto,& Green Hornet). I never tried to peek at my presents, but one year I could swore I saw the Spiderman outfit hidden in a shelf in the basement. I was so sure of it, I fashioned a web from the netting that packs oranges and prepared for Spidey's arrival. Unfortunately he never arrived, apparently my guilt for peeking prevented my from making a positive I.D. Years later I asked my parents about it. They never remembered buying it and tantalized me with the possibility it was somehow forgotten and still in storage. It's never surfaced, but I house a secret fantasy that someday it will show up in the basement...the rare and valuable Spiderman!

    Name:jebo Date & Time Posted:Feb 1, 2001 06:13


    Name:Pamela Marlowe Date & Time Posted:Apr 6, 2001 16:16

    Story:It was back in the summer of 1964 andmy sister in law took me to Cahokia,Ill. to her and my brothers trailer, back then people did live in trailers and didn't think they were too good. Anyway, she came out with a doll that was 30 inches long and had a pretty pink gown on, she was made of rubber, it had been in her family for awhile. I was so happy I could cry for my love of dolls, she presented it to me and said she wanted me to have it, well, she asked down the road what I would name her, I named her Linda that was my sis in laws name, so she became my Linda doll and I cherished her, I was presented with a pair of old screw type earings from our Sunday School teacher, Nellie Horn was her name. I took those earings and fixed them through her ears,there were already holes made in her ears, these earings were large teardrop like pearly earings, human size.But one day I lost one of them and cried and cried but there were no matches so she stayed with one earing.And she also got a tear in her pretty gown somehow, but I still loved my Linda doll. Years passed by and Linda and my brother Gerald had a daughter, well, my mother thought the only fair thing to do was to return the Linda doll to Linda for her daughter to have, so I did. Years later Linda and Gerald moved to Arkansas and she actually took the doll to the Salvation Army to donate, for what reason I will never know to this day,I have never asked.Then one day my sister and I were at Henderson, Kentucky at an Antique Mall searching for hidden treasures to our youth when I looked down into this glass case and saw a doll with a pink gown and big pearly earings but she was laying only to expose the one side,I gasped and screached and said to my sister,"I am going to get the sales lady and when she turns her over if her gown is torn and her earing is missing she is my Linda doll." So they opened the glass case and handed her to me and sure enough her gown was torn and her earing was missing, I had to sorta hide my over excited heart in front of the sales lady so she would not think Iwas looney tunes, I said to my sister,"I don't care how much she cost she is going back to the home where she belongs!" You will not believe I only paid $23['00'] plus tax for her, and I was the happiest girl in the world! True story straight from my heart, now what is her real name and background? That is what I need to know.This proves if something really belongs to you and you didn't really want to let it go if it is to be it will come back, Linda traveled from Illinois to Kentucky to return to me.

    Name:Corey kudlicka Date & Time Posted:May 28, 2001 22:44

    Story: I have some power rangers that i whant to get ride of and get some money for them. Iv'e got from old/new (mighty morphin,thunder,zeo,ninja,turbo,lost in space, lost galaxy) Zords,Weapons,figures. Fax:(561)624-8105 Phone:(561) 625-9653 ^ Don't now about shipping, but you cancontact me with the fax or phone # above.

    Name:Corey kudlicka Date & Time Posted:May 28, 2001 22:48

    Story: I have some power rangers that i whant to get ride of and get some money for them. Iv'e got from old/new (mighty morphin,thunder,zeo,ninja,turbo,lost in space, lost galaxy) Zords,Weapons,figures. Fax:(561)624-8105 Phone:(561) 625-9653 ^ Don't now about shipping, but you cancontact me with the fax or phone # above. E-mail:Spiderman1354569@ao..com

    Name:Wayne Kur Date & Time Posted:Jul 5, 2001 06:50

    Story:Hello when I was 8 and a half back in the old days I saw for my first time Don Bradman. That started my whole career. As I grew up I bacame fond of the game and collected every statue of a cricketeer I have several up for auction they are worth about $1565 but I am slashing it down to $100. The address is 36 Kissing point Rd Nsw 2064. I've got from Gold to Bronze & a whole lot more see you soon! Thank you

    Name:Andi Orlando Date & Time Posted:Jul 9, 2001 02:12

    Story:Luck was on my side Christmas 67! My Mom was back working adding to my Dads income--meant surplus Christmas for me. My older brother was given the tedious job of going to Alexander`s store in NY ,to pick up my favorite wish toy,Captain Action! My brother is KING!!!! I was greeted Christmas morning with a MOUNTAIN of wrapped gifts; well over my head! Not only did I get Captain Action,Dr Evil,Superman,Batman,Aquaman,Green Hornet,Superboy,Robin,Aqualad,Cpt America,Phantom,Jet Pack,Survival Vest; and LOW and BEHOLD ! IN THAT HUGE BOX: THE SILVER STREAK!!!!! not enough? Well, my brother did one better. You see, there was only one box left on the shelf. With broken celephane and a little dirty. But he bought it anyway. Yup! SPIDERMAN!!!!!!

    Name:Jack Ritchie Date & Time Posted:Aug 7, 2001 11:50

    Story: Ever since I was five or six, I have liked G.I. Joes. This started when my Dad and I were looking at some old stuff in my grandparent's attic. While we were up there, I found a small black G.I. Joe boot. I asked my dad what it was, and I soon found out that it came from a G.I. Joe. When I came home from my grandparent's house, my dad showed me his 1964 G.I. Joe Marine with some old equipment. I thought it was the best toy in the world! Ever since then I started collecting G.I. Joes, and now have a whole collection.

    Name:ANDREW MITCHELL Date & Time Posted:Nov 24, 2001 07:06


    Name:ANDREW MITCHELL Date & Time Posted:Nov 24, 2001 07:10


    Name:John Date & Time Posted:Feb 1, 2002 17:53

    Story:In the early 70's, I was lucky enough to be one of the few kids to have a Yamaha YZ80. My brothers, who were much older than me, both had Harleys. Needless to say, Evel Kneivel was my hero. For years I got a new EK and stunt cycle every christmas and birthday in July. Big Jim was a wuss and GI Joe just sat there but EK jumped every curb, puddle, ditch and toy truck within three blocks. I don't know what was the best - the inception and consturction of the upcomming stunt, watching EK jump or doing the slo-mo replay afterwards. I still have two of my original EK action figures and stunt cycles and, over the years, I've managed to build quite a collection of EK toys. I'm a CPA now and my wife is an RN and when she has to pull the night shift at the hospital, I have to admit - sometimes Evil Knievil rides again.

    Name:Steve Gad Date & Time Posted:Apr 23, 2002 14:20

    Story:I don't remember the exact year (I'm just turned 40 now) but I do remember being totally unable to sleep for about 4 nights before Christmas, in anticipation of getting a 'Johnny 7' gun. As I recall, it did everything I expected, and more. What a fantastic piece of kit it was, keeping me busy fighting imaginary alien hoardes for months on end. I love this site, and am just off to see if I can find a picture of one. Thanks.

    Name:Greg Freier Date & Time Posted:Sep 30, 2002 14:21

    Story:I was all of five in 1966, and I remember the only thing more exciting than Christmas were the presents themselves. That was the year of Captain Action. Not only did I not sleep dreaming of him, but my Christmas would have been a complete disaster had I not gotten one. But Christmas morning, especially to a five year old, is a magical time. And sure enough, with the first box opened, was my Captain Action. The second was the Phantom costume, and believe I also got Batman that year. I'm now a 41 year old, with two boys of my own. I tried explaining my love of this toy for years, when low and behold, they rerelease my beloved CA. I not only have all the new ones, but retrieved a few of my old ones, that my parents had actually held one to. Somedays it's just nice to live in the past.

    Name:JIM RICHARDSON Date & Time Posted:Oct 8, 2002 13:37


    Name:Sophie Date & Time Posted:Dec 2, 2002 17:12

    Story:I can remember the Christmas of 1975. Daddy had been a Captain in the Army and a Pilot with the 101st in Viet Nam. He finally had a NORMAL job that paid, and we had a house that was our own. Thank ChristmasI got a (real metal) Singer mini sewing machine (oh all the straight lines I would sew with that), a purple and lavendar granny dress with matching boots, and, last but not least, the Dawn "mini" Barbie doll and ALL of her outfits. Of course I wanted her badly, but, I think my mom wanted her to have it more since I was the oldest of three girls and daddy had bought me the REAL sized G.I. Joe with the Army Flight Suit on the Christmas before!!!! My three girls will never realize what great toys we had!!

    Name:Joani Date & Time Posted:Dec 4, 2002 14:20

    Story:One of my favorite Christmas gifts (maybe 1965 or '67?) was a "Pebbles" doll. It was about a foot tall, and of course, she had a bone through her bright red hair. My older sister received "Bam-Bam", complete with the bam-bam bat. We would play together for hours. Wonder what ever happened to those dolls............

    Name:Joani Date & Time Posted:Dec 4, 2002 14:47

    Story:Being from a family of 10 (Mom, Dad, 4 boys, 4 girls), Christmas was always a "crazy" time of the year. We would be up until all hours of the night wrapping gifts for my Mother - often times our own, while she was in the kitchen preparing the stuffing for the turkey she would put in the oven in the wee hours of the morning, and baking pies. And, of course, while Dad had a beer and attempted to put together that new "gadget" he got for the oldest boy! We never had much money, although we didn't realize it at the time. We just knew we didn't go to the movies as often, or out to dinner, or have fancy new bicycles like many of the other children in the neighborhood - it was accepted, and never questioned. But on Christmas morning, it was as if magic had stepped into the living room. You can imagine that if you purchased 3 gifts for every person in the family, there would be 30 gifts. That's quite a lot to fit under any tree. Then, of course, there were gifts from relatives, God-parents and neighbors. There were often so many gifts, we had to put thim in separate stacks around the living room. A stack for brother Mikie, another stack for sister Kathy, brother Stevie over by the fireplace so he could throw the torn wrapping paper into the fire (along with a few pair of new undies or new socks that accidently got left behind in the wrappings). It would be (and still is, as there are now 14 adults, including spouses, and 13 children who still get together for Christmas dinner and gift exchange {2 siblings live in California with their spouses & children})utter confusion! But usually Christmas Eve Midnight Mass would kick off the festivities - and as we got older we were able to open 1 gift before Mass - maybe something new Mom wanted us to wear to Church. Sometimes we would stop by my Mom's Cousin's house for a bit of "Christmas Cheer" (Rosemary - who passed away at the age of 92 about 4 years ago - would make the BEST 7 & 7!), then off to Church. What wonderful memories I have. I always wanted a Barbie Doll - I got a beautiful "fake" Barbie once - she had red hair and her skin wasn't as pretty as Barbie. I can't say I wasn't disappointed, but I still remember that doll - she was really pretty. And then there was the big "walking" doll. She was probably about 2 feet tall, dressed in a pretty dress. She had long reddish-brown hair, and when you stood her on an incline, she would walk down the hill (if she didn't fall over on her face, first!) She got left outside once when we went on vacation, and when we got home, there was a stray dog who adopted her as it's mother. It was wrapped around the dolls hair. We took the dog in and named him Rusty as it was the same color as the dolls hair. But I've rambled enough. Thanks for giving me the opportunity. Merry Christmas!

    Name:tony deblaiso Date & Time Posted:Dec 26, 2002 02:33

    Story:Reading many of the stories on this site brings back many memories of my childhood. I can remember having many toys some of my favorites were the G I Joes. I had lots of outfits for them as well as a jeep, also had the Johhny West figures. When G I Joes first came out in the mid sixtes I was about nine and thought that they were stupid, dolls for boys. Up untill then I had army guns and lots of army soliders, the little green ones. When everyone started to get the Joes I seen some of the other kids and was hooked I couldnt get enough of them.I spent many a day playing with them.It seemed where I grew up (long island New York) every six months or so it was a new fad from super balls,ducan yo yos,monster models,water guns,sting ray bikes,comic books slot cars, it was always something that was alot of fun.I guess most people my age want some connection to there childhood I started to build the monster models that I had as a child. Its a good thing they are reproducing them

    Name:Justin Date & Time Posted:Feb 6, 2003 16:19

    Story:When I was seven years old, I had begun to suspect that there might not really be a Santa Claus. Earlier in the year, Mattel had released a super cool Godzilla toy as part of their Shogun Warriors line. He shot his fist off and spit fire! It was sooooo cool, I had to have it. I asked for it for Christmas, but my mother deemed it too "gross" and informed me that under no circumstances would I be getting something so vile. Christmas morning came, and my brother and I raced downstairs and tore at our respective piles of presents. Socks...crayons...some cool Megos. Then a bigger box came to my attention. I estimated it being well over a foot tall. I held my breath with anticipation. As I tore open the layer of wrapping paper, I immediately saw Godzilla's face staring at me. I tore the rest of the wrapping off in record time, and, lo and behold, there was what would be my favorite toy for several years to come. I almost cried. As an added bonus, I also got Mattel's Krusher monster, which could be scrunched up then explode back to his normal shape with the twist of a secret valve. Later in the week, while driving to the store with my Mom, she said to me, "What would you say if I told you there was no Santa Claus?" I said, I kind of had a feeling there wasn't (I must admit, that I, like an idiot, continued to believe in the Tooth Fairy for nearly a year). I then asked why she had bought me Godzilla, when she had made it so clear that she did not want me to have it. She said, because I knew how much you wanted it. That made it one of the best Christmas gifts I have ever received to this day. Getting six of the rarest CREEPY magazines from my wife last year comes in a close second!

    Name:linda sands Date & Time Posted:Feb 23, 2003 15:59

    Story:I was delighed to find my chatty cathy doll under the christmas tree when I was ten. Unfotunatly she did not talk and she was returned to the store and they had no more. I purchased a suzzy smart doll/desk and chalk board instead,end of story, NO. I aqm now fifty years old and I finally got my chatty cathy remake fromm danbury mint for my birthday. at last I HAVE HER AND SHE TALKS!