Captain America 3409-0 - First available in 1966
- Red,white and blue outfit, with a white metal star on the chest. Snaps on the back
- Red cuffed boots interchangeable left or right
- Face mask one piece with a "A" on the forehead
- White belt with holster. White belt usually has discolored from the costume
- White and red Ultrasonic Intensifier Pistol, usually melted from sitting in the holster. This pistol was also included in a different color in the Weapons Arsenal
- White and red laser rifle. This rifle was also included in a different color in the Weapons Arsenal
- Red,white and blue shield, with a star in the middle (handles are easily broken)
- Came in non-ring and ring box versions
Captain America
Complete will all accessories
Captain America
Prototype from the Ideal Catalog
Captain America
Second issue ring box