Dr. Evil

Defending the Universe and Backyards since 1966

Dr. Evil Sinister Invader of Earth! - First available in 1967

  • 12" tall figure, blue body with exposed red brain and white bloodshot eyes. Same body as Captain Action. 2nd issue body, which includes one piece neck, and vinyl wrist and elbow joints
  • Suit - Vibrant blue shirt and pants with gold insert. Shirt has snaps at the back and pants at the front
  • Sandals - Dark blue rubber sandals. They are interchangeable with right and left
  • Belt - Blue rubber belt with a yellow lightning bolt on the buckle and a red slit for the sword
  • Mask - Brown haired bearded mask. Dr. Tracy or Dr. Thorpe. Both names were used for the same mask
  • Gun - Blue ray gun with silver and red trim
  • Medallion - Gold plastic medallion with a long gold chain and gem stone in the center. Easily broken

Dr. Evil - Coffin Box

  • 1st issue 1967—68 - Referred to as the photo box, shows Dr. Evil standing over Captain Action and pulling his disguise off. Obviously he’s going to do some nefarious things to Captain Action
  • Gift Set - Also known as Lab Set, was a limited release and did include Dr. Evil in the set.