Captain Action Headquarters

Defending the Universe and Backyards since 1966

Irwin Batcycle for Batman

Aside from the Silver Streak, Captain Action didn't have any other vehicles. None of his superhero disguises had any vehicles made by Ideal either, but Irwin Toys did produce this 1/6 scale Batcycle. It's basically a different colored version of the the one they made for GiJoe.

I lucked into finding one of these a few years ago, and it's a cool addition to Batman I think. The carded version pictured is an image I found online for it.

Moving the collection around

I've been making some changes to my office and and had to move some of the Captain Action stuff around. As you can see, my Spiderman, Green Hornet, Batman, Robin and my other Dr. Evil lab set are still in their white boxes in these pictures. I may pull them out later but keeping them dust free is nice...